13 maart 2006

Never Lost

Instincts geared for FIGHT or FLIGHT

'cause anger came both day and night...

By playing games and seeking adventure

I hoped the memories I would remember

and praying that
your eruptions would cease -
even if temporarily...

Your gentle kindness were sometimes present
but like a currency - money fast spent...

Laughter ceases when running scared

tears flow fast while welts turn red

and despite the fear of being tossed

my childish nature was never lost...

Kids will laugh, smile and joke

even when their losing hope

'cause somehow in life we still must still cope...

The onslaught of your verbal beatings

burn a script that skips -

- just keeps repeating

reverbrating deep within my soul

so early in life it took its toll...

I'm healing now
with my wife, son and daughter
and grateful to share their laughter
My time has come
I have become

a father that...


... his will for fun!