A Families woe's
- if left untold
may claim a
strangle hold
So better we
- whom do
take heed
Surrender our sorrow
- to Thee
And in doing so
we lift-up
- our love for
Jimmy Z
A Son
A Brother
An Uncle
- a Friend
Pure Love for us
- had he
Yes, us!
"The Least of These"
THIS Humble
Servant heart's desire
- was to
simply please
A Contractor
A Carpenter
- his business
was a ministry
Transformed houses
- into homes
while impacting lives
- for The Throne
James did so!
He shared His
And Hope
Helpfuly led
any newcomer
- still struggling
to cope
and like his smile
- bursting forth
You'd learn to work it
- 'cause of your WORTH
His personal investing
(in us)
was such a Blessing
And finally a Waterman
- who's stoke today we honor
Taken too soon
- yes?
Nor should we question our Heavenly Father
A decision made
- at The Lane
To paddle or to hitch?
This proud man
- followed God's
perfect plan
- and never considered which
For Surfers know
- when pushed
Up His Leash
- we must climb
And as we cling
- to The Vine
Through our Strife
God's hand
- lift us to
Eternal Life
So like James
We should each
keep growing
In Christ likeness
- as did he
And be certain
of your future
- knowing
Jim has been
- gracefully
set free