[dedicated to my sponsor - Tom W and the entire Fellowship]At Oh-Eight's End
- No Longer Contemporary
I've Gained Strength and Friends
- Conduct Exemplary
This is for You
- Who've Shared Love and Wisdom
Helped Shepherd Me into
- His Glorious Kingdom
You Kindly Remind me to Lean-In
- Reverse Old Tendencies
Stand Beside the Pain I'm Feeling
- Despite my Wish to Flee
Retain Lessons From Past Mistakes
- Release Control for Heaven's Sake
Through Modesty and Grace
- Your Assignments Still Inspire
I Give Him Thanks and bid Praise Each Day
- That You found His Higher Power
I've Learned To Yearn for God's Word
- Firm and Stern I Clearly Heard
Seek no Further! Opened my Eyes
- My Heavenly Father, Now Recognized
My Story is Your 12th step Testimony:
The Complete Restoration of my Soul
- United Again a Family Whole
You Witness, Understand and do not Condone
Together, Doing for me That Which
- Could Never Have Been Done Alone!!!
Soli Deo Gloria!