21 augustus 2011

Windows - Water - Time

I watched and wondered before
~ a window's slice of time
to adventures beyond that seen
~ embrace what could be mine

because reflection felt unclean
~ a certain present, i had not
idealized a future dream
~ fortune, acclaim i sought

I leaned deeper into the sill
~ inner voice a murmur
unwanted thoughts anew grew ill
~ fogging vision further

Along creek beds skipping stones
~ slow waters crystal clear
The quite stirs - unsettles rocks
~ view clouded now through tears

Currents push memories along
~ like the leaves submerge in shallows
Patiently await vision from
~ whom alone I seek to follow

His narrow path
toward us does bend
~ when eyes and thoughts held
creation peace and grace does lend
~ when upon our knees we fall...

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