26 september 2011

Wide is the Gate
 for those who take
a view kaleidoscope

When beliefs are a plenty
  we forsake The One
Who gave all creation hope

The Secret is not innocent
 deception with malintent 

Such wide paths take a great toll
 Ballast shifts within a pure soul

An Examined Life
 reveals through our strife
whom truly worship do we

In times of duress
 I still must confess
The mess I had made out of me

Our Father does know
 in our hearts what we sow
T'was not He
alone whom I sought

Neither did I manifest
 prosperity when times seemed best
Seek of He at present I stopped

I gave Him no mind
 let go of the vine
spiritual malady
 to pursue only salary
And trample upon

 any thought of religion

Pride exclaimed it was all about me...

Yet sorrows seasons
 usurps the unreasoned
reduced to meakness was thee

Then He gathered up
  this black sheep amok
our fruit now fallen and bruised

Made Whole - Yes RESTORED
 Pure Love He Outpours
Thank God for Heavens Good News!

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