12 oktober 2015

Conquering Love

Often times – or so it seems
   circumstances may conspire
Or could it be a brilliant scheme
  by Our Creator to simply re-inspire?

Another Growth-Opportunity is being taught
   at present
or does this Lost-Cause (or so we thought)
   lie behind each of my new resentments?

For Crazy Love is juxtaposed
   by those - supposed
to turn the other cheek

Yet with arms by sides and eyes cast down 
  I’ve pushed aside the meek

Reaching towards a blessing are we
  who bear and grin it with
The Least of These

In these times of disrupt
   ask instead
whom do we lift-up?

So please don’t miss (and Ms and Mister too) dismiss 
 - His invitation to become
a fragrant offering to we who’ve come undone

Lets all – en mass - just drop the veil
   of Holier than Thou
Goodness, joy and encouragement should not be stale
   share it fresh - beginning now

As this our hearts desire will be:
  ≈Conquering Love... flows through you and me

Conquering Love (Philippians 4:11-13)

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